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Bilingual Parenting Podcast

May 19, 2021

Does your child understand the target language, but doesn't want to actually speak it? We hear you. You're not alone. But there's a reason for this AND little things you can do to start changing this pattern. So in today's episode we're going over practical and tactical tips to help you guys get get around this obstacle...

May 12, 2021

Curious to hear about what it's like for other families raising bilingual kids? In another bilingual family spotlight episode, we had the pleasure of chatting with Corrie Wiik from Mama Llama Linguist to hear about her language journey as a non-native speaker of Spanish now raising bilingual children using the Time and...

May 5, 2021

Going into a language immersion setting for the first time can be overwhelming for a child, especially older children, and understandably so! As adults we can totally identify with this. However, unlike adults, children can adapt to an immersion setting rather quickly as their language learning skills are...